Hypnotism for Smoking: Does it Work for Quitting Smoking?

Quit Smoking with Hypnosis - Hypnosis HoustonSmoking is a huge problem across America and the wider world today. We now know how dangerous smoking can be, we’re aware of all of the health implications of even short-term cigarette smoking, and we know how it could hinder both our quality of life, and life expectancy. But, while many of us want to quit, it’s not as simple as just stopping when we decide to. 
Many people struggle for years to give up smoking; trying different methods and currently popular techniques. But unfortunately, even those that do manage to stop, often turn back to smoking in times to stress or unrest. Giving up is usually a lot harder than people expect. 
With hypnosis, we can offer simple and effective solutions to the smoking problem. Helping you to quit and giving you the chance to lead a longer and healthier life, free from the uncomfortable effects that smoking can leave you with. But does it really work?

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis has been around since the early 20th century. While its existence predates this, it was Harry Arons who first brought hypnosis to modern medical and mental healthcare. During his 52 year career he taught thousands of psychologist and psychiatrist the technique. 
When we’re in a hypnotic state, our therapist guides us through our subconscious—giving us a way to alter our unconscious thought processes, often to achieve specific goals. In this case, to give up smoking. 

Giving Up The Habit

Hypnosis helps us to give up the habit of smoking by forming negative associations with it. Your hypnotist may ask you to imagine all of the adverse health effects of smoking in detail. They may instruct you to picture your body and how smoking may be affecting it. 
They’ll also use your senses, asking you to imagine the nasty smells, tastes, and feelings; the dry mouth and sore tongue as well as how your life could look without smoking. 
You may then be taught self-hypnosis techniques, allowing you to continue your practice, once the session is over and you have returned to real life. This also has the benefit of giving you a new and healthy way to relax when you are stressed out. 

Dealing with The Emotional and Psychological Effects of Quitting

A big problem with many quit smoking techniques is that while they deal with the habit, and the nicotine addiction, they don’t focus on the emotional or psychological effects of quitting. For many of us, smoking has been a crutch. Something that gets us through stressful times, and helps us to unwind and relax. Without it, we can feel lost and out at sea, and so, when things get tough, we reach for the cigarettes again. 
Hypnotism for smoking helps not just by breaking the habit, but also by breaking your emotional connection with it. Through hypnosis, you will visualize your life without smoking, but not only the health benefits. You won’t just see yourself happy and healthy. Hypnosis will also help you to visualize yourself getting through stressful situations without that little helper. This helps to create permanent change and is why hypnosis is exceptionally effective with smoking cessation. 
Quitting smoking doesn’t have to be complicated or unpleasant. Nor does it have to take up your every waking thought. With hypnosis, quitting smoking can be easy, comfortable and rewarding.


Need Help To Quit Smoking? 

Contact Us At:

Hypnosis Houston
2909 Hillcroft Ave #515
Houston TX 77057
Phone: (713) 789-0713