Is Hypnosis Effective For Losing Weight?
Hypnosis refers to a state of concentration, inner absorption and increased suggestibility.
Your attention becomes highly focused while in hypnosis. You are much more responsive to suggestions, which support a more positive lifestyle, and better eating habits. In this respect hypnosis my indeed help you with losing weight.
There have been a few studies that have evaluated weight-loss using hypnosis. A majority of these studies have only shown slight weight loss, with about 6 pounds (2.7 kilograms) of weight loss on average over an 18 month period. However, the quality of some of the studies have been questioned, which makes it difficult to determine how effective weight-loss is when using hypnosis. Certainly individual responses must vary.
It was shown in a recent study, with just modest weight loss results, that patients who received hypnosis showed improved quality of life, better satiety and lower inflammation rates. Additional studies are needed in order to thoroughly understand the potential role that hypnosis can play in weight management.
Usually, weight loss is best achieved with exercise and diet. Hypnosis, as applied to weight loss, may be best understood as an assistance to help one quickly learn and develop the life habits, and positive outlook needed to sustain a healthy weight..If you have tried exercise and diet but are struggling still to meet your weight loss goals, speak to your health care practitioner about lifestyle changes you can make or other options that are available to you.
Want To Lose Weight With the Help of Hypnosis?
Contact Us At:
Hypnosis Houston
2909 Hillcroft Ave #515
Houston TX 77057
Phone: (713) 789-0713